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Scholarly Capacity

Attendance at Events

You have been directed to this page if you submitted a travel request within Concur and selected “yes” to receiving an honorarium for this travel request and/or that any expenses are being paid for by an external source, excluding grants. College faculty should read the section marked “Attendance at Events for TCNJ Faculty” below for more information. Staff members, should read the section marked “Attendance at Events for TCNJ Staff” below for more information.

Attendance at Events for TCNJ Faculty

The Scholarly Capacity amendment to the New Jersey State Ethics Commission Rules and Uniform Ethics Code allows TCNJ faculty to receive, from sources other than the College, certain benefits for activities they engage in and/or work they perform in their scholarly capacity. These benefits include honoraria, royalties, travel expenses, academic prizes, and/or other things of value. The amendment is incorporated in the State Ethics Commission Rules, N.J.A.C. 19:61-1.1 et seq., ( specifically “Subchapter 6. Attendance at Events, Acceptance of Honoraria, Acceptance of.” While these benefits are permissible under the scholarly capacity exception, the state requires employees to disclose, on an annual basis, any such benefits received from this scholarly activity. Under no circumstances shall a faculty member accept entertainment collateral to the event, such as a golf outing, or meals taken other than in a group setting with all attendees, or reimbursement therefor.

The current disclosure form covers July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

Attendance at Events for TCNJ Staff

After you submit your travel request in Concur, if you are to receive third-party funding or reimbursement, please wait for a follow-up email from the Ethics Office. You may need to provide more information regarding the nature of your trip. Under no circumstances shall a staff member accept an honorarium nor accept entertainment collateral to the event, such as a golf outing, or meals taken other than in a group setting with all attendees, or reimbursement therefor. Please note that the Ethics Office only reviews travel requests for ethics purposes and does not approve/deny the travel request through Concur.

